Things To Know Before Starting Your Legal Career Education

The law degree is useful in so many different industries and careers. You can be a classic lawyer or offer counsel for companies. Some lawyers can even take the teaching path or go into politics. However, the truth is that the legal career is not for everyone. With this in mind, here are some very important things you have to be aware of before you start your law career education. 

Corner Offices Are Not Available Right After School

Personal injury attorneys do not immediately start working auto accident cases in Michigan after they get their degree. Divorce attorneys do not go to court fast. The truth is most new lawyers still need extra skills before they get that dream job. 

After law school, you gain all the general knowledge you need to start your career. However, this does not mean you will instantly get a very good income. 

New lawyers are usually legal assistants. Senior lawyers will pass work to them and this is the actual start of the career. 

Many Law Students Are Just Interested In Money

The legal industry is considered by people because of one of 2 reasons in most cases:

  • Being an attorney is prestigious. 
  • Attorneys make a lot of money. 

Unfortunately, because of the way in which lawyers are portrayed in TV shows, you might get a bad idea of how much you will actually earn, especially when you start out. It takes time to reach a very good income and just around 20% of attorneys actually reach the level most law students imagine. During the first 5 years of your career, you have to be prepared for some potential financial hardship. 

You Will Not Learn How To Get Your Clients

Law school teaches a lot but does not teach you how to find clients. After you get your degree, you need to start looking for clients or you need to get a beginner level job at a law firm. You cannot simply start a law firm and make it your business with a degree. 

Unfortunately, most new lawyers simply do not know how to get their clients as they finish their initial education. They have no idea how to use technology for this purpose or how to do their accounting. They do not even know how to manage or hire people. All of this can lead to struggles. 

It Is Recommended To Find A Senior Attorney To Work For

Some graduates think that they do not have to work under a senior attorney so they avoid this option. This can quickly turn out to be a very big mistake. Senior lawyers have a reputation and they already have a client base. This is useful for the novice attorney as he/she can start working and gaining experience straight away. 

The only problem with working for senior attorneys is that managing partners often do not treat new lawyers right. This is a relationship in which the new lawyer is just there to offer support for the managing partner. While this might not seem great for you, remember that gaining real-world experience is so much more important than anything else as you start your legal career.